Lash Lift & Lash Tint FAQs
Lash Lift FAQs
What is this treatment?
Lash Lift is the hottest trend in the eyelash industry allows you to have luscious lifted lashes that will last for weeks, in the blink of an eye. This formaldehyde-free treatment lifts them from the roots so you can enjoy luscious lashes without the use of extensions. Lash Lift creates visibly longer looking lashes with a curl that lasts.
How is a lash lift different from extensions?
The processes are quite different. We will not be adding additional lashes or harmful adhesives to your eyelashes. You don't have to worry about getting refills when the extensions start to fall out. You can also still use mascara for even more volume or length. If you're looking for some lash definition without the commitment to continually update your extensions, a lash lift is a perfect solution.
How do I prepare for this treatment?
Come to your appointment makeup free! If you wear contacts, they must be removed.
How often can you get a lash lift?
You can repeat the treatment after 8 weeks and your lashes are back to their natural state.
What is the benefit of a lash lift?
Lash Lift means NO MORE harsh glue that may damage natural lashes. Lash Lift is great for people who may have previously worn lash extensions, don't want to wear eyelash extensions or taking a break from lash extensions.
Can you wear makeup with lash lift?
Yes! However, you should avoid waterproof mascara and any harsh products around your eye area.
How long does a lash lift take?
A lash lift takes 45 minutes from beginning to end. If you decide to have your eyelashes tinted then the process takes one hour.
How long will it last?
A Lash Lift can last 6-8 weeks but can vary from person to person. You will need to have the process repeated every 8 weeks but not before to lift the new hair growth. There are some situations that may cause the lift to drop/weaken prematurely such as swimming, use off harsh products or heat.
Does it work for short or downward facing lashes?
Absolutely! Anyone with these types of lashes will love the lash lift! Your lashes will all be evenly dispersed and lifted.
How is a lash lift different from lash perm?
With lash perms, the curled eyelashes are produced by winding them around a cylindrical rod so that they curl more tightly and open up the appearance of the whole eye. On the other hand, lash lifts involves ‘lifting’ the natural lashes up from the base, using a gently-curved, silicone rod which gives the appearance of dramatically longer lashes.
Lash Types
The technique used for a lash perm works better on those with longer lashes as the curling shortens them rather than elongating them. Lash lifts are suitable for all lash lengths due to the ability to ‘lift’ the natural lashes from the root using different sized silicone rods. This makes them more inclusive for women with shorter lashes who have always turned to extensions.
With lash lift techniques using the full length of the lashes to produce amazing results, they last slightly longer than a lash perm with many finding they don’t need a touch up for 2 to 3 months. Lash lifts require little upkeep, and the aftercare is minimal, ensuring they’re the perfect solution for those with busy schedules. Clients can also ask for tinting treatments alongside the lift, complementing their entire look and creating a polished finish. The lash perm has long held a place as a fantastic alternative to extensions for women who want their natural eyelashes to have a more pronounced curl. While both produce stunning looks, the lash lift has evolved as one of the most up to date techniques for all those looking to find sustainable ways to enhance their natural lashes.
Content credit: Ellebana
Who is not a good candidate for lash lift?
Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, the following conditions are recognized as contraindications for the Elleebana Lash Lift and Tint treatment and must be disclosed prior to the treatment:
Eye Infections/disorders
Recent Eye Surgery
Allergy to product
Very sensitive eyes
Hay fever sufferers/Watery Eyes
Conjunctivitis Stye
Dry Eye Syndrome Using prescribed medicated eye drops
Pregnancy ‑ during the 1st trimester
Medication ‑ Thyroxin (in some cases can prevent lashes from curling)
Contact Lenses ‑ must be removed
When in doubt, always consult with your physician
After Care:
Wait 24 hours before applying mascara, makeup, or other products near your lashes.
Avoid steam or direct heat for 24 hours following the lash lift: no saunas, steam or long hot showers.
Gently brush your lashes upwards with a lash brush daily.
You can wear makeup, but you should not use waterproof mascara.
Side or face sleeper may notice their lashes lose their shape.
Back sleeping is recommended.
Do not use harsh products near your lashes.
Avoid using an eyelash curler.
Be gentle with your lashes; no rubbing.
Keep the eye area clean. This is very important. Some clients love their lashes so much that they don't even want to clean them. Avoiding proper hygiene can result in an eye infection!
Lash Tint FAQs
What is a Last Tint?
The Lash Tint gives your lashes a long-lasting mascara effect without the hassle of smudging, running, or clumping lashes.
What are the benefits of lash tint?
Who would be a great candidate?
Clients with blond, red, or light brown lashes. The dye is applied to the lashes to give it a darker, enhanced mascara look. Eyelash Tinting can dramatically enhance the look of the eye area and is great for those who don't have time for eye makeup.
What is the process like?
The process is quick and relaxing. A protective balm is applied under your eyes and gel pads are placed under the bottom lashes so that the dye does not stain the skin. A micro-swab is used to apply the dye.
How long does it last?
The Lash Tint lasts 6-8 weeks, depending on your lash cycle.
You can throw away your mascara! Eyelash tinting will give your lashes a thicker, more prominent look, with each lash evenly tinted and separated. If you wear contact lenses, you don't have to worry about getting any mascara on them. These semi-permanent treatments are waterproof, so after your shower, or after a swim or any other athletic activity, you don't have to apply makeup to your lashes. Over-the-counter dye kits are not always eye-friendly and can cause allergic reactions.
Will it harm my natural lashes?
No, the dyes used are made for lashes and cannot harm your lashes.
How long does the procedure take?
Approximately 20 minutes.